Nutrition - the Key to Health
The biggest game-changer in health is diet. There is nothing more powerful for creating health or fighting disease.
What our Bodies Try to Tell Us
So sometimes we become ill. Most of us receive signals from our bodies that say ‘all is not well’. Fatigue, pain and skin issues are some of the signals our body sends out to alert us to what is going on.
Our Health Histories
Over the years our bodies cope with stresses from many angles: emotional, mental, physical and even spiritual. Flying around the world, eating and drinking the things we shouldn’t, suffering accidents, illnesses, taking medication, having surgery, sleeping too little and working too much.
On top of that we have the dispositions that we have inherited from our parents and our parents’ parents and these will have an influence on our own health.
When you make changes to your diet your body responds
When you start drinking the right amount of water and eating the foods that heal, whilst cutting out the foods and drinks that harm, your body’s energy is released and is now able to be used in more constructive and health-giving ways.
In short, your body will start to push stored-up toxicity out of the tissues, and start to build healthy cells. This in turn will regenerate your bones, muscles and organs, creating optimum health.